In its role as facilitator of an innovation ecosystem, the TLS Foundation becomes more and more an aggregator within the life sciences field, both locally and internationally.v Between the main activities we have the coordination, planning and implementation of policy interventions at supranational scale, through the participation to EU and international projects, such as CSAs (Coordination and Support Actions), RIAs (Research and Innovation Actions) and ERA-NETs (European Research Are Networks). In this sense, TLS is part of several CSAs to reinforce the international collaboration on strategic topics, particularly on Personalised Medicine. Through Research and Innovation projects, TLS enhances the competences of the UVaR Department supporting the regional research groups, and cooperates with the Tuscany Region to increase investments in excellent research on the territory (rare diseases, personalised medicine and oncology). TLS has also developed and intensified collaboration agreements and networking activities thanks to the many national and international partnerships that have been put in place during the years, thanks to a public-private model.


ArTCell [Bottom-up manufacturing of artificial anti-tumor T cells] is a project approved by the European Union under the Pathfinder program with the aim of developing more effective cancer treatments based on T-cells.


Despite progress in high-risk maternity management, Cerebral Palsy (CP) is the most common cause of physical disability in infants in both high- and low-income countries.
The main goal of the BORNTOGEtTHERe Project is the implementation of early detection and early intervention service delivery in infants at risk for cerebral palsy to promote infants’ psychomotor development and maternal health, through the development of the first clinical practice guidelines in Europe, in low-income countries and among hard-to-reach populations.

EP PerMed

EP PerMed is the largest European initiative dedicated to Personalized Medicine, made up of over 50 international partners and co-financed by the European Commission with a budget of 335 million euros for 10 years. The project involving 24 European and non-European countries was born with the ambition of becoming a global platform dedicated to precision medicine through research, development, innovation and implementation of personalized medicine approaches for the benefit of patients, citizens and society. In the project, TLS has the role of sustaining the innovation and internationalization pillars.

Impact – AML

Impact-AML [Pragmatic clinical trials to optimise treatments for patients with refractory cancers] is a project funded by the European Commission under the Horizon Europe Mission Cancer. It is focused on Acute Myeloid Leukemia, a high-impact disease in which no standard of care exists, and where there is an urgent need for new evidence on possible therapies.


MammoScreen ‘Innovative and safe microwave-based imaging technology to make breast cancer screening more accurate, inclusive and female-friendly’ is a four years European project, co-funded by the European Commission and United Kingdom, with a total budget of 7 million euros.


The health systems’ transformation from reactive treatment models to predictive and preventive systems, hence the implementation of the personalized medicine paradigm, requires cooperation and coordination among different stakeholders and European programs, such as Member States and, above all, regions, with the aim of building an integrated action plan to foster innovation in this field.


The health systems’ transformation from reactive treatment models to predictive and preventive systems, hence the implementation of the personalized medicine paradigm, requires cooperation and coordination among different stakeholders, not only at European and Community level, with the aim of building an integrated action plan to foster innovation in this field.

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Regional Cluster

The Fondazione Toscana Life Sciences is the operational entity that coordinates and manages the activities of the Tuscan Life Sciences Cluster.


ALISEI (Advanced Life Science in Italy) is the National Technology Cluster for Life Sciences, which aims to promote interaction between the research system, the entrepreneurial and productive fabric and public institutions in the healthcare sector, a strategic research and innovation nexus for Italy.

TLS Network

TLS works to foster dialogue and partnerships between public and private entities. It has created and continues to implement collaboration networks in the field of life sciences with the aim of offering incubated companies access to contacts and opportunities.